LOVE IT OR NOTHING MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: 30-days to try it out and if you don't LOVE it... you get your money back! 

Coach with Confidence: 

Effortless, Professional Templates for a Client Experience That Wows Them Every Time!

(So much so, they’ll give you 5 Stars!)

Step into your role as a professional, confident coach who knows exactly what she's doing! 

The '5-Star Program Experience Vault' equips you with the essential tools and templates for a smooth, impressive client onboarding process. Prepare to make a lasting, positive impression on every client, right from the start!

Total Value = $1,176
Regular Price = $397

Today's Price = $37

Today's Price = $37

*You can implement this today for 90% off or pay full price later, but you cannot continue to ignore this important piece for your business.

Your Secret Ingredient to Confident, Professional Coaching...

Get The Program
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Only $37: Don't have a course or program to sell yet?

The Signature Program Creator is the step-by-step blueprint to monetize your knowledge and turn it into content to create your very own branded, signature program that's ready to launch in 30 days or less! It includes video guided lessons, a program blueprint and templates to help you map out your program with confidence, and melt away the imposter syndrome!

Click Yes to add it to your order for only $37!

Only $37: There’s clearly a reason why there are so many webinars out there! It's because they work when it's done right! 

Use this proven slide deck to stand out from all the other webinars- without figuring it all out AND designing from scratch. 

Turn your boring, plain, low converting or non-existent online presentation into an automated, profitable, income-generating machine and have your dream prospects delivered to you (so you're not chasing clients), have them booking themselves on your calendar, so you can turn these already warmed up leads into high quality conversations that convert into effortless sales on repeat, every day! 

This webinar slide pack is professionally designed, with the converting elements and framework ALREADY in place, fully ready to customize to your brand and deploy, saving you time. 

This practically done-for-you webinar template is a MUST HAVE to ensure you no longer have to chase after leads to get booked up, FAST! 

Click YES to add this to your order now for just $37. (This offer is NOT available at ANY other time or place)

Only $19: Want to know the secret of how ONE single headline made us $2.7 million dollars, and filled our calendar with high quality leads? 

Kick feast and famine cycles to the curb and have a pipeline of prospects eager to work with you with WOW-Worthy headlines that grab attention and create sales on demand.

This is a one time $19 offer that will instantly help you capture attention, and stop the scroll! (It will NOT be offered anywhere else-guaranteed.)

Did you know…

The first impression is everything in coaching! 

As a new coach, presenting yourself professionally from the start can significantly boost your confidence and credibility. It's not just about attracting your initial clients; it's about laying a foundation of trust and expertise that turns first-time clients into lifelong supporters of your coaching business because of their 5-Star experience.  

The  5-Star Onboarding System makes it easy!

Do you want to build a thriving coaching business the EASIER way or the harder way?

It’d be a shame to waste your inspiring message and business plan just to:

  • Stress over financial security
  • Get sued multiple times
  • Gain a bad reputation
  • Feel overwhelmed
  • Avoid missing out on new clients because you don't feel prepared
  • Feel desperate to gain new clients

Just because you didn’t know how important it was for you to also have a clear, organized, and strategic system that’s easy to follow…

You don’t have to put off going after clients confidently because 


You don’t have to spend months figuring out the perfect system that makes your clients feel like they’re in good hands

because it’s already done for you!

You don’t have to spend months figuring out the perfect system that makes your clients feel like they’re in good hands

because it’s already done for you!

If your goal is to have a business that…

  • Thrives strategically
  • Gets consistent 5 star reviews
  • Gets inspiring testimonials
  • Won't stop getting client referrals
  • Has happy clients that feel taken care of right from the get-go

...Then you cannot continue to ignore what needs to be done for YOUR long-term success.

The time to build a 5-star Business and Experience for your Signature Clients is NOW!

And it starts with implementing systems to attract, onboard, and serve new clients with ease and elegance… and that ‘wows’ them every single time - and turns them into lifelong raving fans that stay with you!

PLUS…  gives you the foundation to easily and smoothly grow your business as fast as you want because you have the systems in place to do so!

...Then you cannot continue to ignore what needs to be done for YOUR long-term success.

The time to build a 5-star Business and Experience for your Signature Clients is NOW!

And it starts with implementing systems to attract, onboard, and serve new clients with ease and elegance… and that ‘wows’ them every single time - and turns them into lifelong raving fans that stay with you!

PLUS…  gives you the foundation to easily and smoothly grow your business as fast as you want because you have the systems in place to do so!

Remember, your clients choose you for a reason...

It's that initial spark of connection, the promise of transformation that draws them in. 

But what truly makes them stay and fully commit to the coaching journey is the experience they have from the very start.

Consider your own experiences with new services or subscriptions. 

The ones that stick are those that make you feel valued and engaged right from the beginning, right? Those that don't engage you, that don't make you feel part of something special, are easily forgotten and eventually left behind.

As a new coach, your mission is to create an onboarding experience that resonates with your clients' needs and expectations. An experience that not only welcomes them into your coaching world but also sets the stage for the transformation ahead. 

This is where 'The 5-Star Onboarding System' comes in, offering you the tools to make every one of your clients feel like they are exactly where they need to be.

And remember, a client who is fully engaged in your well-structured process is a client who sees the value in what you offer - making them less likely to leave and more likely to achieve the results they desire.

This experience comes from a coach who knows what she’s doing!

Clients initially buy because of their emotional needs…

But once they buy, if they don’t feel cared for, they won’t stay.

Think about that one subscription that you signed up for and were excited to have.

After a couple of days, weeks, or months, you forgot about it…

And when you were going over your monthly spending…

You canceled it as if nothing had happened.

Because it’s EASY to cancel when you don’t feel attached to something anymore.

So YOUR job as a coach is to show your clients how much you care about them and why they should stay with you by creating a system that they will enjoy being part of.

And if they don’t follow your system or process, they will struggle to get the result they want.

And above all, if they do quit, they will struggle to find a worthy replacement!

You have the skills and a program that truly helps your clients and students get the results they are seeking but…

  • You’re unsure how to meet and exceed client expectations from the get-go
  • You don’t know all the elements that a business needs to set up to have a 5-star onboarding system
  • ​You don’t know how to protect yourself legally
  • You don’t know how to easily create a client onboarding system that make you look like a seasoned coach
  • ​You’re struggling to find the time and mental clarity to create systems that show you know what you’re doing!

You're proactive and ready to fortify your business so you can reach your coaching dreams. The 5-Star Onboarding System is here to transform these uncertainties into strengths, providing you with the tools and confidence to build a thriving, client-centered coaching business.

You're passionate about making a meaningful impact, not just earning an income. 


Success in coaching isn't just about gaining new clients – it's about creating a welcoming environment where every new client feels valued and supported from the start.

With the right approach, you can lay the groundwork for a thriving coaching business where impact and revenue grow hand in hand.

The key? Giving clients a reason to believe in your coaching from their very first interaction with you.

You Need Access to a Proven System with Essential Templates That Can Create a 5-Star On-Boarding Experience for Your Signature Clients

It's the Secret Ingredient to Transforming Your Business Into a Successful, Stress-Free, and Life-Changing Experience!

You don't have to come up with the solutions and systems yourself.
Follow the model of someone who’s done it before you!

Over the last 3 years, I’ve built a 7-figure thriving coaching business with extremely happy clients. Even in the beginning, I put some systems in place to help me feel more confident and professional.  
It made a WORLD of difference!

My refund rate after generating over $2.7M in revenue is less than 1%.

My client retention rate is 98%.

My clients’ ascension rate is over 40%.

How did I do it?

  • With a 5-star onboarding process
  • ​With a 5-star client sign up system
  • With a 5-star testimonial system
  • ​With a 5-star referral system
  • With a 5-star program structure!

So… What would it feel like if...

  • You could effortlessly implement an onboarding process that's seamless and intuitive, both for you and your clients, creating an incredible first experience and impression?
  • Payments were 100% stress free
  • You could get perfect testimonials that will help you grow your business like never before
  • You could have the peace of mind by protecting your business from financial concerns
  • You could establish healthy client boundaries, creating a respectful and productive coaching environment?
  • You had a deep understanding of your clients' needs, allowing you to offer targeted, effective coaching (instead of running all over the place)?
  • Your systems were not just functional but also engaging and appealing to your clients creating an incredible 5-Star experience?

Know exactly what to do with:

Get access to my complete and proven system with the done-for-you templates and processes you need to build and grow a successful thriving 5-star business!s

5-Star Onboarding System

Get access to all the email templates you need to run a 5-Star Signature Program!

These templates have increased our client retention and lovely community for years.

Inside this incredibly high-value package you’ll get:

  • 5-Star Welcome Process
  • ​Intake form template
  • ​Welcome email template
  • 5-Start Onboarding Checklist

‘Next Steps’ Template Vault

In this powerful template package you will get access to email templates that reminds your clients or students to sign all the paperwork needed for your your business:


  • Don’t delay those signatures
  • ​Don’t delay those payments!
  • ​Know how to ask without being pushy
  • ​​Have ready to go, friendly emails now!
  • ​​Stress free solution!

Refund Protection Toolkit

Make those refund processes as painless as possible!

Decrease the time (and headaches) that it takes to process your refunds and payments with this Credit card authorization form.

You won’t miss any details needed to process those transactions while protecting yourself!

5-Star Referral Formula

Use the excitement that you have brought to your clients to get even more clients without paying an extra dime!

Get access to these referral request templates now so you don’t have to worry about it later!

Easy Social Proof Magnet

Gain strong social proof that every business needs to go to the next level and stay competitive.

get access to:

  • A template list of strategic testimonial questions.
  • ​An interview demonstration (A real-time demonstration of how to properly gather testimonials or success stories!)

Want to know what our clients who’ve used these templates have to say?

Check it out below!

PLUS, you get TWO powerful BONUSES to create a 5 Star Program Experience for your clients when you join TODAY

Happy Contractors Payment Vault

Building everything from scratch is ALWAYS time consuming… So save time with this template while keeping your contractors happy too!

You’ll have access to:

  • A clear independent contractor invoice template (Your contractors can’t thank you enough for this!)

The Revenue Multiplier

Track the MOST important metrics for your business to make important decisions to grow, expand, and impact! Grow your business by tracking your business!

You’ll have access to:

  • Templates and swipe files
  • ​End-of-Month Sales log and tracker

Picture the confidence you'll feel when every client interaction showcases your professionalism and expertise.

Imagine your clients being thoroughly impressed and deeply connected from their very first experience with you. This goes beyond mere satisfaction; it's about creating a real connection and bond that shows you truly understand and value their journey.

Are you ready to elevate your coaching business to a higher level of professionalism and experience, where every client feels valued and fully engaged from the start?

Are you ready to elevate your coaching business to a higher level of professionalism and experience, where every client feels valued and fully engaged from the start?

Here's a summary of everything you’ll get TODAY:

  • 5-Star Onboarding System (15+ templates) ($497 value)
  • ‘Next Step’ Template Vault (5+ emails) ($197 value)
  • Refund Protection Toolkit ($57 value)
  • 5-Start Referral Formula ($97 value)
  • Easy Social Proof Magnet ($97 value)
    + Template list
    + Demo
  • BONUS: Happy Contractors Payment Vault ($47 value)
  • BONUS: Revenue Multiplier ($47 value)

Delivering You The Best Product Means Everything To Me, And That's Why I'm Giving You My…

30-Day, Love-It-Or-Nothing Money Back Guarantee!

My promise to you:

If you don't feel that you have received 10x the value of what you paid to use our templates and blueprints, I will refund 100% of your money within 30 days of your enrollment.

I want you to be successful doing what works using my 5 Star Program Experience so that you can turn your business into something that you and your clients will feel proud of while stop wasting money on extra marketing.

If you follow my proven system, you can absolutely make it!

Maggie Chu - All Right Reserved 2023

DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are my personal results. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll get my oy my client's exact same results (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of having years of experience plus working with clients who themselves have years of experience. The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors... including but not limited to your background, experience, determination to get results, consistent optimization, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.