Do you want to launch your coaching with an irresistible offer that actually sells?

With a money back guarantee if you are in satisfied.

From Undervalued to Highly Sought-After:

One Irresistible High-Ticket Offer is All It Took To Build a $2.7Million Empire 
(The Proven Path to a Thriving Heart-Centered Coaching Business Starts with the Your Irresistible Offer)
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Only $37: Don't have a course or program to sell yet?

The Signature Program Creator is the step-by-step blueprint to monetize your knowledge and turn it into content to create your very own branded, signature program that's ready to launch in 30 days or less! It includes video guided lessons, a program blueprint and templates to help you map out your program with confidence, and melt away the imposter syndrome!

Click Yes to add it to your order for only $37!

Only $19: Want my MOST successful and proven strategy session checklist to know exactly what high converting elements every sales call must have so you can boost your client sign ups on your next call? 

This single document is the most important tool to ensure you’re maximizing your enrollments, and when you check off these elements, you’ll see your sales rise, call after call!

Pass it on to your (future) sales team and they’ll be filling the seats to your program for you, too!

Click YES to add this to your order now for just $19. (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

Unlock The Full Potential Of Your Offer…

Convey your expertise and gifts into an Irresistible Offer! Show up as the coach you want to be and design an offer that feels genuine and aligned with your heart. Effortlessly enroll your ideal clients with ease- even if you’ve never sold or made a single offer!

Irresistible Offer Creator is your shortcut to an offer that sells itself. Finally, turn your offer into their Obsession! Your Irresistible Offer created in one afternoon!
Total Value: $1,164
Normally: $497
*You can implement this today for 85% off or pay full price later, but you cannot continue to ignore this important piece for your business.
Do you ever feel like…
  • PROCRASTINATION AND OVERWHELMED: You know you have the solution or brilliant ideas, (sometimes too many ideas!) yet things aren’t clicking.
  • LITTLE TO NO PAYING CLIENTS: People aren’t resonating with what you have to offer, therefore inconsistent or no clients and income.
  • GIVING IT ALL AWAY: Your time and all your goods are poured out, yet people are not signing up to work with you.
  • HOW DO YOU SELL COACHING OR TRANSFORMATION?! You find it challenging to sell transformation, and intangible services like coaching, consulting, mentoring, healing.
  • RESISTANCE: You don’t want to “sell” or come across pushy or use manipulation “tactics”
  • NO ONE IS RESPONDING: You struggle to articulate the value of your offer so people instantly get it
  • ​CONSTANT GRINDING: You want to finally stop the grinding and focus on quality over volume to reach the high 6 figure income, impact and freedom that comes with a thriving coaching business.

Seriously, I want you to think about this

What Is It Costing YOU To Keep Your Brilliant Ideas, Solutions, and Wisdom All In Your Head, or Worse Yet…Unable To Articulate The Value of Your Work So People Instantly Get it, Want It, and Will Sign up Immediately?

You've always been a natural at helping others, even while overcoming your own struggles and challenges in life.
Your heart-centered personality and wisdom have the power to transform lives, and deep inside, you know you are responding to your calling to be a coach.

But your struggle this time around is different. WHY?


Stepping into coaching, starting your coaching business meant saying YES to you, it meant making a difference and gaining more freedom, but right now, it's draining your energy and filling you with doubt.

What if you ditch the Cookie-Cutter Approach And Salesy Offers That Simply Don’t Feel Good, and instead…Express Your Unique Expertise With a High-Ticket Irresistible Offer That Stands Out and Aligned With Your Heart-Centered Value?

The Irresistible Offer Creator will do just that and make it easy!

Stepping into coaching, starting your coaching business meant saying YES to you, it meant making a difference and gaining more freedom, but right now, it's draining your energy and filling you with doubt.

What if you ditch the Cookie-Cutter Approach And Salesy Offers That Simply Don’t Feel Good, and instead…Express Your Unique Expertise With a High Ticket Irresistible Offer That Stands Out and Aligned With Your Heart-Centered Value?

The Irresistible Offer Creator will do just that and make it easy!

Or if nothing changes, you can continue to deal with:

  • Imposter Syndrome: "I feel like a fraud, like I'm in need of more certifications, training or experience first. Who am I to charge"
  • Undercharging and Over Delivering: "I struggle to clearly communicate the true worth of my coaching. I know I can help people, but I sound like everyone else!"
  • Fear of Rejection: "I'm terrified of putting myself out there and having people say no to my offers. It feels like a personal rejection, and I don't know how to handle it."
  • Inconsistent Income: "My income is unpredictable or even nonexistent in my coaching business."
  • Attracting the Wrong Clients: "I keep attracting clients who don't have money, drain my energy, or aren't a good fir for my coaching style. I want to work with people who are excited to invest in themselves and are ready for transformation."
There's nothing more frustrating than pouring your heart and soul into your coaching business, only to face a constant battle with self-doubt, a lack of clients, and being told how you should get clients that’s not aligned with your values and how you want to show up.

A breakthrough would mean waking up each day, feeling confident and energized because you finally nailed your High Ticket Irresistible Offer! You have the tools, support, and strategies that keep your thriving coaching business successful and you do it all on your terms.
There's nothing more frustrating than pouring your heart and soul into your coaching business, only to face a constant battle with self-doubt, a lack of clients, and being told how you should get clients that’s not aligned with your values and how you want to show up.

A breakthrough would mean waking up each day, feeling confident and energized because you finally nailed your High Ticket Irresistible Offer! You have the tools, support, and strategies that keep your thriving coaching business successful and you do it all on your terms.

…And with your Irresistible Offer, What if you could…

  • Forget about awkward or nervous sales calls and get ready to embrace signing up clients like chatting over coffee with a friend.
  • Shift from selling and making offers to INVITING people to work with you, and it feels welcoming and engaging!
  • Sharing your Irresistible Offer in a way that feels authentic and NEVER salesy.
  • Getting a new client with ease in just one conversation- no more follow-ups or chasing after prospects and clients!
  • Eliminate objections, concerns and skepticism before you make your offer so by the time you do- they are inspired, excited and ready to go!

If the idea of any of the above is lighting up your soul, then ‘The Irresistible Offer Creator’ Is Exactly What Your Soul Craves To Light Up Your Offer!

Here's the thing: What I've discovered in over 15 years of working in the coaching industry

No matter how much:
  • Content you create
  • Speaking opportunities you have
  • Book(s)you have written
  • ​Daily postings on social media you schedule
  • Endless sales calls you take
… It won't matter if you haven’t
nailed your Irresistible Offer.

Your Irresistible Offer comes down to 2 important components that cannot be overlooked:

  • Creation of an Irresistible Offer that provides a solution
  • Knowing how to present your Irresistible Offer like an invitation that will make any guests go crazy about it, excited and gladly accept the offer!

The key to attracting your dream clients, making a bigger impact, and achieving the income and freedom you crave lies in creating an Irresistible Offer that conveys your unique value and expertise.

And that's exactly what the "Irresistible Offer Creator" is designed to help you do.

Hey There, I'm Maggie

I'm an award winning sales and business coach, and known as "The YES! Mentor."

I've been the secret client-getting weapon behind some of the top 7 and 8-figure leading organizations in the coaching and online education industry.

For over a decade, I have worked with a variety of coaches and online entrepreneurs, helping them package their knowledge into an irresistible program by teaching them a proven system of creating highly motivating and glowing offers filled with dream clients, so they can live their purpose, make a bigger impact and achieve unstoppable success- and it all begins with having your very own Irresistible Offer first.

Having a Irresistible Offer means you can Increase Your Income, Increase Your Average Sale, and Make Yourself In-Demand, and truly stand out with a Irresistible Offer. You Instantly become seen as a more CREDIBLE expert! 

Hey There, I'm Maggie

I'm an award winning sales and business coach, and known as "The YES! Mentor."

I've been the secret client-getting weapon behind some of the top 7 and 8-figure leading organizations in the coaching and online education industry.

For over a decade, I have worked with a variety of coaches and online entrepreneurs, helping them package their knowledge into an irresistible program by teaching them a proven system of creating highly motivating offers filled with dream clients, so they can live their purpose, make a bigger impact and achieve unstoppable success- and it all begins with having your very own branded, Irresistible Offer first.

Having a Irresistible Offer means you can Increase Your Income, Increase Your Average Sale, and Make Yourself In-Demand, and truly stand out with a Irresistible Offer. You Instantly become seen as a more CREDIBLE expert! 

From Invisible to Irresistible:

Now YOU Can Grab The Blueprint That 6-7 Figure Heart Centered Female Coaches Use To Craft High Ticket Offers That Stand Out and Sells Itself

(So compelling, and highly-desirable that clients find it irresistible!)

With the "Irresistible Offer Creator," you will:

  • Forget about awkward or nervous sales calls and get ready to embrace signing up clients like chatting over coffee with a friend.
  • Shift from selling and making offers to INVITING people to work with you, and it feels welcoming and engaging!
  • Sharing your Irresistible Offer in a way that feels authentic and NEVER salesy.
  • ​Getting a new client with ease in just one conversation- no more follow-ups or chasing after prospects and clients!
  • Eliminate objections, concerns and skepticism before you make your offer so by the time you do- they are inspired, excited and ready to go!
  • ​Implement a powerful and effective element to your business that will consistently enroll high-ticket clients
And that’s just the beginning!

Here’s what this means for your business (and life):

  • Strengthen your confidence exponentially and believe in yourself as a coach with an offer that allows you to finally recognize the true value of your expertise and the transformation you provide
  • Magnetize your dream clients who are eager to invest in your high-ticket offers, knowing that you have a solution and experience that will lead to the results they're looking for
  • Increase your income and impact while working with fewer clients, allowing you to create a business that supports your desired lifestyle
  • ​Eliminate the frustration and overwhelm of trying to figure everything out on your own, with my proven blueprint and expert guidance at your fingertips
  • Stand out in a crowded market and let go of the frustration being on the marketing hamster wheel creates
  • Experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from making a profound difference in your clients' lives while doing the work you love
  • Gain the freedom to focus on your zone of genius, knowing that you have a predictable and sustainable way to attract high-ticket clients consistently

Here's what makes the "Irresistible Offer Creator" truly unique:

  • Made for heart-centered coaches: This was built with your unique challenges, values, and goals in mind, ensuring that every strategy and tool aligns with your heart-centered approach. (Because mainstream marketing is not built for you.)
  • Proven blueprint: You'll receive a step-by-step blueprint that has been tested and refined by countless successful coaches, taking the guesswork out of designing your irresistible offer. (We’ll break it down for you.)
  • Focus on authenticity: The "Irresistible Offer Creator" helps you tap into your unique strengths and expertise, so your offer is an authentic reflection of who you are and the value you provide. (This is YOU and you should be celebrated!)
  • ​Emphasis on sustainability: This is designed to help you create a sustainable, profitable business that supports your desired lifestyle, without the burnout or overwhelm. (No fads, no trends, just a proven, reliable system you can trust.)
  • Holistic approach: From mindset shifts to practical strategies, the "Irresistible Offer Creator" takes a holistic approach to transforming your business and your life, addressing the key areas that impact your success. (Because your business is not separate from you as a human being!)

When you get the "Irresistible Offer Creator," today, you'll gain access to a full suite of resources to design your compelling, highly-desired offer.

I’ve broken down the Irresistible Offer Creator into 3 power-packed video lessons. And in one afternoon you will have your Irresistible Offer DONE:

1. The Irresistible “WHAT” Formula:

Demonstrate your mastery like an Expert to build instant credibility and trust right from the start of your offer:


2. The Irresistible “HOW” Formula:

Showcase how to work with you so it instantly grabs attention, and naturally leads to “WOW! How soon can we get started?!”


3. Master the Irresistible Offer Presentation Formula:

Discover the secrets to presenting your offer in a way that feels authentic, aligned, and irresistible to your ideal clients, without being salesy or pushy.
***Give this to your (future) sales team, and let them make your irresistible offer and enroll clients for you over, and over again!


4. The Irresistible Offer Master Blueprint:

Get your custom Irresistible Offer Blueprint DONE that leverages your expertise, attracts dream clients that are ready to enroll today!

You will know exactly what to include in your offer and make it tangible.  See it come to life so you can finally offer and sell transformation and coaching with ease!


5. The Ultimate Irresistible High-Ticket Offer Checklist

A complete checklist to guarantee your offer has all the key elements that attract premium clients.

It's packed with everything you need to create an present your high ticket irresistible offer that stands out and sells itself

(So compelling, and highly-desirable that clients find it irresistible!)

You could have your High-Ticket Irresistible Offer DONE in an afternoon by simply following my guided video lessons, blueprint, plus the fill-in-the blank template and start making your Irresistible Offer and be enrolling clients this week!

BUT that’s not all. When you purchase today, I’m going to shower you with MORE BONUSES, only available on this page here today:

Bonus #1: Launch with Heart

The essential checklist for launching your first high-ticket Signature Program with ease and confidence!

Bonus #2: The Irresistible Offer Presentation Flowchart

The Irresistible Offer Flowchart - A visual guide that walks you through the step-by-step process of presenting your irresistible offer to getting the client enrolled, so you know what to do and say at each step.

Bonus #3: The Coach's Enrollment Guide to Getting Premium Clients

Discover proven strategies and top insider secrets for confidently enrolling high-end, premium dream clients who are eager to invest in your expertise.

Identify the 7, already proven tips to skyrocket client sign ups, Fast!

Bonus #4: 12 Months Lifetime access

You'll have on demand, ongoing access to all course materials, including future updates and additions, so you can revisit the content whenever you need a refresher or want to create additional irresistible offers.

Rather than the usual 12 months, when you join now, we are extended access to LIFETIME!

Grab the "Irresistible Offer Creator" now and get instant access to:

  • The Irresistible Offer Master Blueprint ($197)
  • The Irresistible “What” Formula Demonstrate your mastery like an Expert to build instant credibility and trust ($97)
  • The Irresistible “How” Formula to showcase how to work with you ($97)
  • Master the Irresistible Offer Presentation Formula: ($97)
  • The Irresistible High-Ticket Offer Checklist ($97)
  • ​BONUS: Launch With Heart: The Essential Checklist To Launch Your Fist Signature Program ($97)
  • ​BONUS: The Irresistible Offer Flowchart/Roadmap ($17)
  • ​BONUS: The Coach's Enrollment Guide to Getting Premium Clients ($27)
  • ​BONUS: Beautiful Full Color Slide Decks with each lessons ($97)
  • ​BONUS: Complimentary workbooks for ease of implementation ($97)
  • ​BONUS: Fillable templates and blueprint ($97)
  • ​BONUS: 12 Months LIFETIME access and free upgrades ($197)
Total Value: $1,164
Normally: $497

Today Only = $67

Your Success is Our Top Priority

That's why we're offering a 30-Day Risk-Free 100% Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee.

We're confident that the "Irresistible Offer Creator" program will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to craft a high-ticket offer that attracts your dream clients and transforms your coaching business.

However, if for any reason you're not completely satisfied with the program within the first 30 days, simply reach out to our support team and we'll issue you a full refund – no questions asked.

I believe in the power of this program and the results it can help you achieve, and I want you to experience it risk-free. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by joining the "Irresistible Offer Creator" today.

Hey, I know investing in yourself and your business can feel overwhelming, especially if you've tried other programs or strategies that didn't deliver the results you hoped for.


“I enrolled my first client at $2k, then enrolled another client at $4200 and the next day at $4500 to my same program. The only difference was that my confidence grew by another $300. You helped me get back to what I had misplaced for a bit…my confidence and trust in myself!
“I enrolled my first client at $2k, then enrolled another client at $4200 and the next day at $4500 to my same program. The only difference was that my confidence grew by another $300. You helped me get back to what I had misplaced for a bit…my confidence and trust in myself!

-Carey S.

I signed up 6 out of 6 clients just following your training and script. That script is gold!”
I signed up 5 out of 5 clients just following your training and script. That script is gold!”

-Christi Brown

I have seen a HUGE difference in my enrollment totals. My confidence while speaking with potential clients is at an all time high. I have more active and positive engagement from people which leads them to saying "YES" immediately right on the spot!"
I have seen a HUGE difference in my enrollment totals. My confidence while speaking with potential clients is at an all time high. I have more active and positive engagement from people which leads them to saying "YES" immediately right on the spot!"

-Skye Ross

Here's the Thing: 
The "Irresistible Offer Creator" is Different.

This is specifically designed for heart-centered coaches like you, taking into account your unique challenges and goals. You have to build your business accordingly.

And if you're worried about not having enough time or energy to commit to getting your Irresistible Offer done, remember that the "Irresistible Offer Creator" can be done in a single afternoon by using my proven templates, formulas and guided video lessons!

But don’t worry, you'll have lifetime access to the materials, so you can work through the content at a pace that feels good for you.


So don't let fear or doubt hold you back from creating the coaching business you really want. You have what it takes to succeed, you just need a little extra support to get there. For us, that’s the easy part! Let us help you make it easy too.

You have a gift, a unique expertise that the world needs. Your heart-centered approach to coaching has the power to transform lives and create ripples of positive change. But to truly make the impact you're meant to make, you need an offer that conveys your value and attracts the clients who are ready to invest.

And the Irresistible Offer Creator will help you create it!

The "Irresistible Offer Creator" is your answer to experiencing an immediate breakthrough in your business.


So don't let fear or doubt hold you back from creating the coaching business you really want. You have what it takes to succeed, you just need a little extra support to get there. For us, that’s the easy part! Let us help you make it easy too.

You have a gift, a unique expertise that the world needs. Your heart-centered approach to coaching has the power to transform lives and create ripples of positive change. But to truly make the impact you're meant to make, you need an offer that conveys your value and attracts the clients who are ready to invest.

And the Irresistible Offer Creator will help you create it!

The "Irresistible Offer Creator" is your answer to experiencing an immediate breakthrough in your business.

Grab the "Irresistible Offer Creator" now and get instant access to:

  • The Irresistible Offer Master Blueprint ($197)
  • The Irresistible “What” Formula Demonstrate your mastery like an Expert to build instant credibility and trust ($97)
  • The Irresistible “How” Formula to showcase how to work with you ($97)
  • Master the Irresistible Offer Presentation Formula: ($97)
  • The Irresistible High-Ticket Offer Checklist ($97)
  • ​BONUS: Launch With Heart: The Essential Checklist To Launch Your Fist Signature Program ($97)
  • ​BONUS: The Irresistible Offer Flowchart/Roadmap ($17)
  • ​BONUS: The Coach's Enrollment Guide to Getting Premium Clients ($27)
  • ​BONUS: Beautiful Full Color Slide Decks with each lessons ($97)
  • ​BONUS: Complimentary workbooks for ease of implementation ($97)
  • ​BONUS: Fillable templates and blueprint ($97)
  • ​BONUS: 12 Months LIFETIME access and free upgrades ($197)
Total Value: $1,164
Normally: $497

Today Only = $67

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